#1,232- Drink Whiskey

Drink whiskey.  Drink whiskey with your feet up at the end of the day.  Let the oaky finish remind you that even if you were just sitting in front of a monitor all day, you put in a damned hard day’s work.

Drink whiskey.  As the peaty smoke fills your nose, have a thought for those men who came before you, cutting turf in the cold and claiming an existence from the unforgiving land they made their own.

Drink whiskey because there’s nothing better suited for a toast amongst men, amongst brothers, for forging bonds where once there were none.

Drink whiskey while standing at the bar.  Drink whiskey slow and taste it.  Drink it because you don’t like it- you’ll learn.  Drink it because it’s the only thing you do like.  Drink it because it gets better with age like fair few things in this world.

Drink whiskey because it’s familiar, no matter how new to you the ground you’re standing on might be.

Drink whiskey in front of a fire, drink whiskey as the sun rises, drink whiskey to chase out the cold soak of the rain.

Drink whiskey because the burn lets you know you’re alive and even if the only thing you still feel is pain, well, at least that feeling hasn’t left you yet.

Drink whiskey with strangers that they might soon not be.  Drink whiskey with old men that they might remember.  Drink whiskey with your father in the long hours of a late night.

Drink to the glorious dead, drink to youth and drink with mighty song.

Drink whiskey for the promise of tomorrow and drink that tonight might last awhile longer.

Drink to the bad times and drink to the good, drink a whiskey and a water, let those demons drown.

Have a whiskey for me when I’m gone and have one with me when I’m there, and I the same for you, it’s what we- that might be men- ought to do.

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